Sunday, November 24, 2019

100 Commonly Used Terms in English Grammar

100 Commonly Used Terms in English Grammar This collection provides a quick review of the basic terminology used in the study of traditional English grammar. For a more detailed examination of the word forms and sentence structures introduced here, click on any of the terms to visit a glossary page, where youll find numerous examples and expanded discussions. Abstract Noun A noun (such as courage or freedom) that names an idea, event, quality, or concept. Contrast with a concrete noun. Active Voice The verb form or voice in which the subject of the sentence performs or causes the action expressed by the verb. Contrast with passive voice. Adjective The part of speech (or word class) that modifies a noun or a pronoun. Adjective forms: positive, comparative, superlative. Adjective: adjectival. Adverb The part of speech (or word class) that is primarily used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs can also modify prepositional phrases, subordinate clauses, and complete sentences. Affix A prefix, suffix, or infix: a word element (or morpheme) that can be attached to a base or root to form a new word. Noun: affixation. Adjective: affixable. Agreement The correspondence of a verb with its subject in person and number, and of a pronoun with its antecedent in person, number, and gender. Appositive A noun, noun phrase, or series of nouns used to identify or rename another noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. Article A type of determiner that precedes a noun: a, an, or the. Attributive An adjective that usually comes before the noun it modifies without a linking verb. Contrast with a predicative adjective. Auxiliary A verb that determines the mood or tense of another verb in a verb phrase. Also known as a helping verb. Contrast with a lexical verb. Base The form of a word to which prefixes and suffixes are added to create new words. Capital Letter The form of an alphabetical letter (such as A, B, C) used to begin a sentence or proper noun; an uppercase letter, in contrast to lower case. Verb: capitalize. Case A characteristic of nouns and certain pronouns that express their relationship to other words in a sentence. Pronouns have three case distinctions: subjective, possessive, and objective. In English, nouns have only one case inflection, the possessive. The case of nouns other than the possessive is sometimes called the common case. Clause A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate. A clause may be either a sentence (an independent clause) or a sentence-like construction within a sentence (a dependent clause). Common Noun A noun that can be preceded by the definite article and that represents one or all of the members of a class. As a general rule, a common noun does not begin with a capital letter unless it appears at the start of a sentence. Common nouns can be subcategorized as count nouns and mass nouns. Semantically, common nouns can be classified as abstract nouns and concrete nouns. Contrast with a proper noun. Comparative The form of an adjective or adverb involving a comparison of more or less, greater or lesser. Complement A word or word group that completes the predicate in a sentence. The two kinds of compliments are subject complements (which follow the verb be and other linking verbs) and object complements  (which follow a direct object). If it identifies the subject, the complement is a noun or pronoun; if it describes the subject, the complement is an adjective. Complex Sentence A sentence that contains at least one independent clause and one dependent clause. Compound-Complex Sentence A sentence that contains two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Compound Sentence A sentence that contains at least two independent clauses. Conditional Clause A type of adverbial clause that states a hypothesis or condition, real or imagined. A conditional clause may be introduced by the subordinating conjunction if or another conjunction, such as unless or in the case of. Conjunction The part of speech (or word class) that serves to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. The two main types of conjunction are coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions. Contraction A shortened form of a word or group of words (such as doesnt and wont), with the missing letters usually marked by an apostrophe. Coordination The grammatical connection of two or more ideas to give them equal emphasis and importance. Contrast with subordination. Count Noun A noun that refers to an object or idea that can form a plural or occur in a noun phrase with an indefinite article or with numerals. Contrast with a mass noun (or noncount noun). Declarative Sentence A sentence in the form of a statement (in contrast to a command, a question, or an exclamation). Definite Article In English, the definite article the is a determiner that refers to particular nouns. Compare to indefinite article. Demonstrative A determiner that points to a particular noun or to the noun it replaces. The demonstratives are this, that, these, and those. A demonstrative pronoun distinguishes its antecedent from similar things. When the word precedes a noun, it is sometimes called a demonstrative adjective. Dependent Clause A group of words that has both a subject and a verb but (unlike an independent clause) cannot stand alone as a sentence. Also known as a subordinate clause. Determiner A word or a group of words that introduces a noun. Determiners include articles, demonstratives, and possessive pronouns. Direct Object A noun or pronoun in a sentence that receives the action of a transitive verb. Compare to an indirect object. Ellipsis The omission of one or more words, which must be supplied by the listener or reader. Adjective: elliptical or elliptic. Plural, ellipses. Exclamatory Sentence A sentence that expresses strong feelings by making an exclamation. (Compare with sentences that make a statement, express a command, or ask a question.) Future Tense A verb form indicating the action that has not yet begun. The simple future is usually formed by adding the  auxiliary  will  or  shall  to the  base form of a verb. Gender A grammatical classification which in English applies primarily to the third-person singular  personal pronouns:  he, she, him, her, his, hers. Gerund A  verbal  that ends in  -ing  and functions as a noun. Grammar The set of rules and examples dealing with the  syntax  and word structures of a language. Head The keyword that determines the nature of a  phrase. For example, in a  noun phrase, the head is a noun or pronoun. Idiom A set expression of two or more words that means something other than the literal meanings of its individual words. Imperative Mood The form of the verb that makes direct commands and requests. Imperative Sentence A sentence that gives advice or instructions or that expresses a request or command. (Compare with sentences that make a  statement, ask a  question, or express an  exclamation.) Indefinite Article The  determiner  an  or  an, which marks an unspecified  count noun.  A  is used before a word that starts with a  consonant  sound (a bat, a unicorn).  An  is used before a word that starts with a  vowel  sound (an uncle, an hour). Independent Clause A group of words made up of a  subject  and a  predicate. An independent clause (unlike a  dependent clause) can stand alone as a  sentence. Also known as the  main clause. Indicative Mood The  mood  of the verb used in ordinary statements: stating a fact, expressing an opinion, asking a question. Indirect Object A noun or pronoun that indicates to whom or for whom the action of a verb in a sentence is performed. Indirect Question A sentence that reports a  question  and ends with a  period  rather than a  question mark. Infinitive A  verbalusually preceded by the  particle  tothat can function as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Inflection A process of word formation in which items are added to the  base  form of a word to express grammatical meanings. -ing  Form A contemporary linguistic term for the  present participle  and  gerund: any verb form that ends in  -ing. Intensifier A word that emphasizes another word or phrase. Intensifying adjectives modify nouns; intensifying adverbs commonly modify verbs,  gradable  adjectives, and other adverbs. Interjection The part of speech that usually expresses emotion and is capable of standing alone. Interrogative Sentence A sentence that asks a question. (Compare with sentences that make a  statement, deliver a  command, or express an  exclamation.) Interrupting Phrase A word group (a statement, question, or exclamation) that interrupts the flow of a sentence and is usually set off by commas, dashes, or parentheses. Intransitive Verb A verb that does not take a  direct object. Contrast with a transitive verb. Irregular Verb A verb that does not follow the usual rules for verb forms. Verbs in English are irregular if they do not have a conventional  -ed  form. Linking Verb A verb, such as a form of  be  or  seem, that joins the subject of a sentence to a  complement. Also known as a  copula. Mass Noun A noun (such as  advice, bread, knowledge) that names things which cannot be counted. A mass noun (also known as a  non-count noun) is used only in the singular. Contrast with  count noun. Modal A verb that combines with another verb to indicate  mood  or  tense. Modifier A word, phrase, or clause that functions as an adjective or adverb to limit or qualify the meaning of another word or word group (called the  head). Mood The quality of a verb that conveys the writers attitude toward a subject. In English, the  indicative mood  is used to make factual statements or pose questions, the  imperative mood  to express a request or command, and the (rarely used)  subjunctive mood  to show a wish, doubt, or anything else contrary to fact. Negation A grammatical construction that contradicts (or negates) part or all of a sentences meaning. Such constructions commonly include the  negative particle  not  or the contracted negative  nt. Noun The part of speech (or word class) that is used to name or identify a person, place, thing, quality, or action. Most nouns have both a singular and plural form, can be preceded by an article and/or one or more adjectives, and can serve as the  head  of a  noun phrase. Number The grammatical contrast between singular and plural forms of nouns, pronouns, determiners, and verbs. Object A noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that receives or is affected by the action of a verb in a sentence. Objective Case The case or function of a pronoun when it is the direct or indirect object of a verb or verbal, the object of a preposition, the subject of an infinitive, or an appositive to an object. The objective (or  accusative)  forms of English pronouns are  me, us, you, him, her, it, them, whom, and  whomever. Participle A verb form that functions as an adjective.  Present participles  end in  -ing;  past participles  of  regular verbs  end in  -ed. Particle A word that does not change its form through  inflection  and does not easily fit into the established system of parts of speech. Parts of Speech The traditional term for the categories into which words are classified according to their functions in sentences. Passive Voice A verb form in which the subject receives the verbs action. Contrast with  active voice. Past Tense A verb tense (the second  principal part  of a verb) indicating the action that occurred in the past and which does not extend into the present. Perfect Aspect A verb construction that describes events occurring in the past but linked to a later time, usually the present. Person The relationship between a subject and its verb, showing whether the subject is speaking about itself (first personI  or  we); being spoken to (second personyou); or being spoken about (third personhe, she, it,  or  they). Personal Pronoun A pronoun that refers to a particular person, group, or thing. Phrase Any small group of words within a sentence or a clause. Plural The form of a noun that typically denotes more than one person, thing, or instance. Possessive Case The inflected form of nouns and pronouns usually indicating ownership, measurement, or source. Also known as  genitive case. Predicate One of the two main parts of a sentence or clause, modifying the subject and including the verb, objects, or phrases governed by the verb. Predicative Adjective An adjective that usually comes after a linking verb and not before a noun. Contrast with an attributive adjective. Prefix A letter or group of letters attached to the beginning of a word that partly indicates its meaning. Prepositional Phrase A group of words made up of a  preposition, its  object, and any of the objects  modifiers. Present Tense A verb tense that expresses action in the present time, indicates habitual actions or expresses general truths. Progressive Aspect A verb phrase made with a form of  be  plus  -ing  that indicates an action or condition continuing in the  present,  past, or  future. Pronoun A word (one of the traditional parts of speech) that takes the place of a noun, noun phrase, or noun clause. Proper Noun A noun belonging to the class of words used as names for unique individuals, events, or places. Quotation The reproduction of the words of a writer or speaker. In a  direct quotation, the words are reprinted exactly and placed in  quotation marks. In an  indirect quotation, the words are  paraphrased  and not put in quotation marks. Regular Verb A verb that forms its past tense and past participle by adding  -d  or  -ed  (or in some cases  -t) to the  base form. Contrast with an irregular verb. Relative Clause A  clause  introduced by a  relative pronoun  (​which, that, who, whom,  or  whose) or a  relative adverb  (where, when,  or  why). Sentence The largest independent unit of grammar: it begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point. A sentence is traditionally (and inadequately) defined as a word or group of words that expresses a complete idea and that includes a subject and a verb. Singular The simplest form of a noun (the form that appears in a dictionary): a category of  number  denoting one person, thing, or instance. Subject The part of a sentence or clause that indicates what it is about. Subjective Case The case of a pronoun when it is the subject of a clause, a subject complement, or an appositive to a subject or a subject complement. The subjective (or  nominative) forms of English pronouns are  I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who  and  whoever. Subjunctive Mood The mood of a verb expressing wishes, stipulating demands, or making statements contrary to fact. Suffix A letter or group of letters added to the end of a word or stem, serving to form a new word or functioning as an inflectional ending. Superlative The form of an adjective that suggests the most or the least of something. Tense The time of a verbs action or state of being, such as past, present, and future. Transitive Verb A verb that takes a  direct object. Contrast with an intransitive verb. Verb The part of speech (or word class) that describes an action or occurrence or indicates a state of being. Verbal A verb form that functions in a sentence as a noun or a modifier rather than as a verb. Word A sound or a combination of sounds, or its representation in writing, that symbolizes and communicates a meaning and may consist of a single  morpheme  or a combination of morphemes. Word Class A set of words that display the same formal properties, especially their  inflections  and distribution. Similar to (but not synonymous with) the more traditional term  part of speech.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Selection of Juries and Trial Consultants Essay

The Selection of Juries and Trial Consultants - Essay Example 1). Having a psychologist or jury specialist focus on the prospective jurists and the selection process offers a better outcome than relying on their skills alone. Scientific jury selection improves the outcome of the trial depending on the type of case according to research conducted by Seltzer (2006). Many factors influence a jury’s decision and the type of case is only one, as Lieberman and Sales (2007) determined. The attitudes of the community towards the crime or action taken in a civil suit also play a significant role. The scientific jury selection process is different from the depiction in television and movies where the expert reads the individuals serving (Lieberman & Sales, 2007). It involves questionnaires, theories, and surveys of others outside the courtroom, which is empirical science and provides a better understanding. For highly emotional trials where public opinion could sway the outcome of the trial, this practice reduces questionable jurists and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Assignment IB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Assignment IB - Essay Example International management recruitment and selection mechanism are exposed to various risks which the organizations are required to manage and select appropriate hedging techniques. The management plays the pivotal role in managing the risks faced by the organizations. Political risks are one of the important risks which the multinational firms quite often face. â€Å"Political risks are any governmental action or politically motivated event that could adversely affect the long-run profitability or the value of a firm† (Deresky, 2006, p.30). In order to manage the political risks identification of the risks is crucial. The risks faced by the firms may be firm-specific risks that affect the firms at the corporate level with conflict between the firm and the host government. In order to manage these risks the firms enters into negotiation of an investment agreement to purchase investment insurance and guarantees, to modify operating strategies in production, logistics, marketing, finance, organization, and personnel at the corporate level. Cultural and institutional risk evolve from host country policies with respect to ownership structure, human resource norms, religious heritage, nepotism and corruption, intellectual property rights, and protectionism. Managing cultural and institutional risks requires the MNCs to understand the differences, take legal actions in host country courts, support worldwide treaties to protect intellectual property rights, and support government efforts to create regional markets (Foreign Investment Decisions, 2005, p. 460).Closely connected with the political risks is the economic risk of the country. Various approaches are adapted by the mangers to manage the economic risks. The quantitative approach is devised to assign different weights to economic variables in order to produce a composite index used to measure the country’s creditworthiness over time and also to make comparisons with other countries. The problem of t his approach is to do not incorporate different stages of development among the countries it compares. The qualitative approach estimates the economic risks of a country by assessing the capability of its leaders as well as analyzing the types of policies they are likely to implement. The future dimension of the economy of the country can be estimated from this approach. In another approach which is the checklist approach, the researchers develop several vulnerability indicators that categorize the countries in terms of their ability to withstand the economic volatility. Majority of the corporations try to use the combination of all these approaches to manage the economic risks faced by the organization (Deresky, 2006, p.34). Repatriate turnover not only results in a loss of human capital investment for the MNC in general but also increases the risks the possibility of losing this investment to a direct competitor. To reduce the risk of repatriate turnover, MNCs will emphasis on the structuring of the short-term oriented HR practices inculcated with longer-term instruments such as integrating international assignments into individual career paths. Research has focused that the short-term assignees may fail to expand helpful relationships with local colleagues and customers at the same time facing increased risks of marital problems. One of the staffing policies in this case is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Pan's Labyrinth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pan's Labyrinth - Essay Example Captain Vidal may have a strong presence on the screen due to his emotionally charged character of a brutal tyrannical officer but the most interesting character was the step daughter Ofelia who discovered a mysterious labyrinth where she meets a faun. What makes the discovery remarkable was that the faun treated Ofelia a princess who guided to embark not only on a journey to discover her destiny but also gave her a mandrake root who cured her ailing mother Mercedes. In the end, Ofelia met her destiny by being reunited with the king and queen of the underworld after passing the last test of the faun to shed her own blood instead of her brother to enter into the portal of underworld. The film may have the visual trappings of a fantasy movie but if one would try to decipher the deeper meanings and interpret the elements of the film, it is actually a political film about authoritarianism and fascism that reflects the director’s disgust of structure and institutions. The element o f a detestable political ideology breathe life to the movie because it was the milieu of the film. The other element of the film is Ofelia’s fantasy world which is really an allegory of Del Toro’s personal political point of view against authoritarianism which is reflected in the film. These two elements, the political element and fantasy element are intertwined in the film because Del Toro used the political element to visualize his disgust for institution and authority which is the precursor of the fantasy element of the film – Ofelia’s withdrawal into fantasy world or Pan’s Labyrinth. More than the mysticism and folklore of the film, Pan Labyrinth highlighted the political dimension of authoritarian Spain in 1944 - a time when Second World War was immenint, where Hitler was in his prime, and war was the order of the day. The film also portrayed what fascism and authoritarianism as a form of government. This was exhibited by Captain Vidal who was a an officer in General Franco’s army who was tasked to route the rebels by any means necessary. In his dispensation of his duty, he was allowed to use absolute and brutal force in his attempt to reroute the guerillas which could be unacceptable today. This method was characteristic of a fascist government during General Francisco’s time whose government was characterised by absolute authoritarianism that exudes with extreme nationalism to unify the country through discipline and indoctrination and if necessary, brutal force. The film’s political dimension is allegorical and meant more than what is the obvious of how oppressive fascism is. Beyond the ideology of fascim, it tackles the element of how authoritarianism breeds violence and evil which in Del Toro’s film was personified by Captain Vidal. The film also reflected the element of director’s political point of view of how he hated structure and its authority be it in church, society or organ ization. This element can be known if one would try to understand what the director was thinking when he was making the film. In an interview, he admitted that this element of personal protest against institutions and authority is present in the movie (Youtube). This hatred in institutions was very obvious in Del Toro’s film Pan’s Labyrinth where authoritarian soldiers were portrayed as evil that cannot be defeated. This element of disgust over authorianism and institutions can be also seen in Del Toro’s other films such as Hellboy, Blade and Pacific Rim albeit it is not as obvious as Pan’

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cognitive Human Memory

Cognitive Human Memory Evaluate the influence of modern technology on cognitive theories of human memory Cognitive Science is a branch in the field of psychology that studies the mental processes of the people. These mental processes include attention, perception, memory, recollection and learning. Cognitive psychology is seen as an interrelated field where it intersects with other disciplines such as philosophy, computer science, neuroscience and linguistic. Out of all those mental processes that were mentioned above memory has been of great interest and most researched, for it being a very complex topic. There have been several research conducted in order to find the nature of memory. Memory is the ability of a living organism to store, retain and retrieve information. In cognitive psychology memory is divided into three stores, namely the sensory, short term and long term. The information is processed in all these three stores. This is often referred to as the information processing model. George Miller (1956) had proposed an idea that is fundamental to the information processing model. The concept is ‘chunking and the capacity of the short term memory. Miller stated that short term memory could hold only up to 5-9 chunks of information, where a chunk is a meaningful unit and it could refer to words, digits, people faces etc.,. This concept was considered to be the basic element in the subsequent theories of memory. The other theory of human memory, the multi store model was proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968). Their theory was very influential within the information-processing model. They also suggested three types of memory stores, namely sensory, sh ort term and long term stores. Sensory store holds temporary information that is acquired from the environment in an unprocessed state. The information that is given attention is processed to the short term store, some of the information is rehearsed in the short term store and passed on to the long term memory. This information is retrieved on active searching. One of the major contributions of the cognitive science to the field of psychology is the information processing model where the metaphor of ‘brain as computer is taken in the literal sense. Cognitive scientists try to study the nature of intelligence from a scientific point of view by creating computer models of the human mind that helps us in explaining the processes that take place during problem solving, remembering, perceiving etc. It is believed that if we observe how does robotics and expert systems accomplish tasks assigned to them, then we are using the Artificial Intelligence to understand the working of the human mind. However the influence of modern technologies on the cognitive theories of human memory is note worthy. It has had positive as well as negative impact. Firstly, let us look at the positive side of using metaphors of mind that are borrowed from the technological advances. The usage of computer metaphor helped in the development of important scientific breakthroughs. It led to the invention of artificial intelligence that helps people in all the fields to make better utilization of the information in order to work smarter rather than working hard. Robotics and other expert systems have also helped humans in making their life much simpler and easier. This can be considered as a major contribution of the cognitive psychology to the modern technology. The other advantage of using computer metaphor to human mind has made the understanding of the mental process involved in memory very simpler. The nature of memory was a very complex and mysterious concept initially, however with the computer analogy better understanding of the human memory has been achieved. The working of the mind is very similar to that of a computer in several ways. Computers receive information, codes it in particular format, which it can understand and when necessary it is retrieved. This is the same activity that a human mind does. They receive information from the environment, process it and store it in mind in a form that they perceive and on later stages they are able to retrieve them effectively. Thus, we ourselves can see that a metaphor of mind borrowed from the advanced technology has made our understanding very efficient and easier. So far we have seen the advantages of using metaphors of mind. However as it was mentioned earlier this concept is not without its drawbacks. Firstly the concept is overly simplistic. By using computer model as an example we do not consider the complexity of the human behavior. Understanding human behavior is a very complicated phenomenon for it involves biological, chemical, or/and psychological reactions within the body/mind before it produces any outcome or behavior. Having many things to be considered, the computer model does not make our understanding in depth, and creates a very easy picture about the mental processes of the human mind. Secondly, we can say that this concept is very hypothetical. Computer model itself is a theory. A theory is drawn out of a hypothesis, which is only assumed to be the truth and necessarily need not be the reality. In this state, trying to explain human mind in terms of computer model may not be totally accurate. Psychology being a scientific stu dy needs to conduct lab research for us to believe in any idea that they propose though the comparison between the human mind and the computer is widely accepted. Finally, I would like to conclude the essay by saying that the usage of computer analogy in the field of cognitive study has made our understanding of the human mind more convenient. For a field that is full of complexities this concept has contributed enormously in a positive way. Every aspect has pros and cons, similarly this concept also has some disadvantages that were mentioned few lines above, and nevertheless, I would personally say that the advantages have overweighed the disadvantages. References:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration into the United States Essay e

The Pros and Cons of Illegal Immigration into the United States Illegal immigration has been an important and serious issue for decades; which affects everyone, both Americans and immigrants themselves. Illegal Immigration has three main purposes: first to find a better life in the ?promise land?, second: free healthcare, and third: for criminal activity. Most illegal immigrants come to America with the best intentions for themselves and/or their families, but many others have alternative motives. The thing that must be remembered is that illegal immigration is illegal. It?s all in the name. ?Over 6 million illegal immigrants live in the US- some estimate even more.? (Illegal Immigration) This is astonishing. Six million people could make up a whole suburb such as Mesa or Chandler. Immigrants arrive in America in different ways. One is crossing the border illegally by land. Another way get into the US are by false identities or by stolen, or falsified passports. Another way is by illegal smuggling boats. ?Others enter with legal documentation and then violate the terms on which they have been admitted by taking jobs that are not authorized or overstaying the authorized period of stay in the country? (Illegal Immigration) A bad side to having such a large amount of illegal immigrants in the nation is the crime rate and prison population caused by certain ?illegals?. ?Illegal immigration is a major cause in the overcrowding of our schools and our prisons.? (Bender, David) Michael Huffington, a former member of the US House of Reps. For California says that, ?Many illegal immigrants come for two purposes that are both destructive and expensive: to commit crimes or to receive government benefits.... ...ed by those individuals will hopefully decrease. And perhaps by instituting other policies which help the people who want a better life; and are willing to take the steps to becoming a citizen, will make America not so much of a hide out, but the land of opportunity that is once was less than a century and a half ago. Works Cited Bender, David, Bruno Leone, Charles P. Cozic. Illegal Immigration, Opposing Viewpoints. California: San Diego, 1997. Huffington, Michael. Illegal Aliens, The Immigration Experience. Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, 1997. ?Illegal Immigration is a Crime.? Issue Brief. http/ 6 April 2001. Izumi, Lance T. ?Illegal Immigration and Crime.? Capital Ideas: Intellectual Capital from the Political Capitol. 2 September 1997. http/ 7 April 2001.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Democratic Nation Essay

Democracy in its ancient concept is a beautiful idea. It means a government by the people and for the people. Democracy empowers the people regardless of their social status and it promises freedom to exercise ideas and to choose the kind of life that we want. Democracy gives us a freedom of self-expression. Freedom is such an important element of democracy directly in contrast to tyranny of the dictatorial and authoritarian rule. Basham quoted from Welzel which says, â€Å"at this point in history, democracy has a positive image almost everywhere, but these favorable opinions are often superficial, and unless they are accompanied by deeper-rooted orientations of tolerance, trust, and a participatory outlook, the chances are poor that effective democracy will be present at the societal level† (Basham, p. 3). Democracy as a political reform that emerged in western and Asian countries almost centuries ago began to saturate the whole world. In this case, it is important to look into reasons why Iraq has to be democratic based on its political, social, and cultural conditions, as discussed below. Iraq has for many years been under tyrannical rule of Saddam Hussein and many of its citizens are dreaming of freedom under a democratic rule. Paul Woodruff asserts, â€Å"no one sleeps well in tyranny because the tyrant knows no law, and he is a terror to his people† (p. 64). In many democratic countries it was quite evidence that citizens enjoys more freedom and self-expression than in non-democratic countries. Thus the blessings of democracy are that it guaranties our freedom to exercise our highest capacities while it protects us from our worst tendencies. (p. 3) As the rule of tyranny ended, Iraq is now underway to become a democratic country under the guidance of the United States. But the imposing question is can Iraq overcome the challenges it faces to become a democratic nation? As we all know, Iraq have not emerged yet completely from the rubbles of destruction brought about by the war against the US led coalition to oust the tyrant ruler. Frequent suicidal bombings that are killing many innocent people continues to pose threat to the safety of its people and of everyone which are clear indications that the fangs of tyranny are still alive and giving signal of its desire to regain their power. The case of Afghanistan reminds us of the tyrannical rule of the Taliban who were toppled by the US backed anti Taliban Afghan forces but they remain a threat to the reign of peace and freedom in the Afghan people. Aside from the unstable political and social condition in Iraq that poses challenge to existing political and social structure, Hugh Starkey noted that the displacement of individuals and even groups, by war and the dire economic conditions as well as the â€Å"political movements based on ethnic, religious and narrowly nationalist ideologist† (p. 23) not only poses challenge but threaten democracy as well. But amidst this political and social problem, Starkey emphasized the need of education in general, and education for citizenship in particular if Iraq has to embrace democracy, for it â€Å"provide the mechanism for transmitting those core shared values that are essential if just and peaceful democratic societies are to be develop† (p. 23). It means that the challenges that threaten the existing political and social structure and the democracy can be subdue if an intensified educational approach are implemented focusing both on the education in general and education for citizenship in particular. Another question that needs answer is whether Iraq is prepared politically, socially, and culturally for democracy. In the survey conducted by Freedom House conducted from 1981 to 2002 that measures the values and beliefs of people in seventy countries regarding the society’s level of democracy. The survey concluded that for Islamic countries, the â€Å"prospects for democracy are particularly poor† (Basham, p. 3). The reason for this finding was that, for Islamic people democracy is problematic but better than any other form of government. Though, they have a poor prospect for democracy but the chance for acceptability is positive. Another reason that has to be considered is that, Iraqis has anti-American sentiment that is so pervasive though which, according to Ottaway, et. al, â€Å"the Middle East today lacks the domestic conditions that set the stage for democratic change elsewhere† (cited by Basham, p. 4). Religion is another factor for non-democratization of Iraq in which many of the practices and tradition of people in the democratic countries are very distinct from the Islamic faith. For instance, separation of authority and rights of both gender marks the difference. Democracy is hinder to gender equality. Culturally, Iraq seemed to be unprepared for democratic. In another study conducted, of the 150 tribes in Iraq, seventy-five percent of them exercised the terms â€Å"primordial allegiances. † In one example of this according to Basham is that, most Iraqis â€Å"view political nepotism as a moral duty rather than a civic problem† (p.5), as such a strong family bonds is still prevalent as in marriages between first or second cousins is still of significance in the society. This society’s condition is another hindrance in the democratization of Iraq according to Basham. Accordingly, the greater challenge that Iraq faces is the challenge of democracy it self. Audrey Osler noted that â€Å"even in the most proudly democratic societies, significant inequalities remain sections of the population maybe marginalized and anti democratic forces’ misuse freedom of speech to promote xenophobia and nationalistic populism† (p. 23). Democracy is often identified with what the traditional societies see in it, what they see in democracy is a â€Å"cultural devastation caused by American-style freedoms† (p. 6). Embracing democracy therefore could mean allowing western values of economic and especially political freedom to dominate the society. Thus, the question that must be answered is Does Iraq need democracy? Certainly democracy is not the immediate answer to the political and social problem of Iraq but in the end it will bring more economic benefits, peace, and social order. As Bruce M. Russett puts it, â€Å"in the modern international system, democracies have almost never fought each other† (p. 4). What Russett meant for this is that democracies rarely fight each other because they have other means of resolving conflict. Therefore, â€Å"the more democracies there are in the world the fewer potential adversaries †¦will have the wider the zone of peace† (p. 4). Ayers noted, Iraqis are cognizant of their situation yet they remain to what they are because of fear out of distrust to Americans and democratic life (p. 5).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Spiritual Wellness Essay Example

Spiritual Wellness Essay Example Spiritual Wellness Essay Spiritual Wellness Essay What is spiritual wellness The key to my spiritual wellness consists of the following five characteristics. Family, which is an important aspect of my life. My family will always support me whether I am right or wrong. They appreciate my hard work to better myself and to better us as a family. Throughout my college journey, my family has made unlimited sacrifices to see me complete college successfully. My husband has paid a majority of our household bills as well as taken over the day to day responsibilities of our children. Without his support, I believe that the goals I have set would truly be harder to achieve. My children have been my motivation. I always want to be there for my children to express my parental love and to teach them the right ways of living. I did not want them to grow without the presence of their parents as was my case. I came from a broken home in which my father was absent until I was an adult. My mother married a man named Ron who raised me as his own since I was a small child. He was a very strict man, as I could not allow me to interact with boys. My stepfather ensured that I was forever busy as he kept me engaged in sports and extracurricular activities. With everything that he and my mother instilled in me, it laid a foundation for my future success. Spiritual health Friendship is another motivating factor that gives me enthusiasm and encouragement when I face life challenges. I respect and value my friends because they are my partners in arms in times of happiness and hardships and make my life meaningful. They give me momentum to continue the life journey whenever I feel like giving up. Since I was a young child, friendship has been a great pillar that revolves through my world. My friends have walked with me through thick and thin helping me overcome and cope with life situations. I realized that by interacting with people who have the same belief as mine I was able to succeed in many things. Such friends have my back whenever I need them and always share ideas with me. They have helped me to develop a virtue of loyalty and that is how I have been able to maintain the friendship. I can mirror myself through the help of my friends and so get challenged by the steps and choices that they make. Friendship is the most important key towards realizing my potential and making the right decisions. I learned to respect the different ideas they have and has helped me to view life from a different perspective. I have good judgment since friendship is a choice and not an optional reality. With my friends support, love, and affection I can view and establish the life structure that I would want to be in the future. Defining myself as an individual and joining a group to associate with others is the greatest step I have taken towards success. Leadership is an essential part of my life values that I treasure. Since I have a family, I want to show my children that they can look up to me for anything that they might need. I want to motivate and energize children to grow in a God fearing way. It is my responsibility to love my family and help them identify their potential by guiding and advising them to help them accomplish the best in life. Spiritual wellness examples I want my children to look up to me like my stepfather Ron did. Though he was strict, he laid a good foundation for me helping me to become a strong woman today. Being a parent has its ups and down, but I know taking responsibility of being a mother and a leader is one of the most valuable things I would have for my family and me. Security is a value that aspires to have in my life and that of my children. The values that we all have evolve, and we find ourselves maturing through some known stages of life. For us to feel that we have fulfilled both our souls and body, we need to be financially secure so that we can meet all the basic, secondary and tertiary needs. The security aspect would help me and my family to live comfortably. I have a family to take care of and for that reason security would be the most important aspect to consider. The security that I need covers a vast area including security of finance, security of my children and family is a great value since without it I cannot feel like a responsible parent and all the values I have tried to instill in my life would be lost. Security will enable me to realize my dreams, live in any location that suits and make me happy and give my family the best they would need. Striking a balance in my activities is another crucial aspect that determines my success. If I put effort into being the best parent, partner, friend and leader without striking a balance in each, I would not be able to deliver my full potential. Balancing every aspect of my life have been my dreams, and that include spending some time in my career and equally spending time with my family. Acknowledging priorities have been my greatest gifts and thats why I value family since they are my most treasurable gain, which makes me have the energy to grow intellectually and spiritually. What is a component of spiritual wellness Power is a value that I have for long considered insignificant, but it has been more prominent in my actions and decisions more than I ever imagined. I had considered this value to be irrelevant in my life, but most of the things that I do like in organizations and places of the meeting is making people recognize me and my expertise. I have noticed that I control and make people do things when I am in power and authority. The less value that I ignored seemed to take a whole toll on me since it is imminent that it is inside me; the ability to control and mobilize a crowd. I spent my life running from the value that defined the authority to me to rule and assign tasks. I focused on what mattered to me leaving what can make people realize that I am better when ruling and leaving a legacy. The aspects and art made in the revelation have made an official purpose to my life, and that is to find both career and life success. The main issue though is to find the missing pieces in my life and try to evaluate the stages of life that I must go through to have the spiritual fulfillment. I would try not to live in perfection but in acquiring knowledge and purpose of life. I would find out the value that makes me thrive in doing good and deciding to do good and not to harm others. All the aspects that I value will lead me to a spiritual fulfillment which will secure me from any disillusionment and unhappiness. I learned that the purpose of all the values is to take us through all the stages of life and it is up to us to make the right decisions on how much material recognition we will have and how much spiritual growth will be made. Our choice in occupation, life partners and friends should lead us to best rewards that would enable us to value our goals and purpose in life. The scenes that relate to me most is sharing of knowledge and values to my friends helping me to optimize on both the spiritual and material growth. I think making people aware of the plans that would improve their growth is the most recent scenes that have stricken me as important. Linking myself with individuals who recognize and respects my decisions will advance my progressions in the direction that we decide to choose.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Battery Examination Essays

Battery Examination Essays Battery Examination Essay Battery Examination Essay The focussed ends of the survey is to place the jobs encountered by the senior nursing pupils under the new course of study CMO 14 in doing a research thesis sing the different factors identified such as pupil factors. research teacher factors. research advisor factors and course of study factors. The survey was conducted at Saint Mary’s University. Bayombong. Nueva Vizcaya specifically in the School of Health Sciences. The respondents of the survey were the senior nursing pupils officially enrolled in Nursing Research 2. The research workers adopted the descriptive correlational method of research. The Slovin’s expression with the trying mistake was used to find the sample size. Graded random sampling was used in this survey to heighten the representativeness of every subdivision of the officially enrolled senior nursing pupils in Nursing Research 2. One hundred 30 eight ( 138 ) senior nursing pupils were indiscriminately chosen from the five ( 5 ) subdivisions to reply the questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared and validated by the 5 teachers. Then. it was distributed and answered by the selected pupils from the different subdivisions officially enrolled in Nursing Research 2. Upon the retrieval of the questionnaire. all the informations gathered were collated. tabulated and analyzed with the consequences as follows: Summary OF FINDINGS 1. Features of the senior nursing pupils with regard to gender Out of 138 respondents 51 were male consisting 37. 0 % of the population while 87 or 63 % comprised the female. 2. Features of the senior nursing pupils with regard to academic categorization Ninety-two per centum of the respondents belong to non scholar group. Nine or 6. 5 % belongs to dean’s Lister group and merely 1. 4 % belongs to half/full tuition bookman group. 3. Features of the senior nursing pupils with regard to the attitudes towards doing a thesis. On the attitudes towards doing a thesis. the highest mean was recorded on All members should take part in research activity ( 3. 83 ) and Making a thesis is easy ( 1. 777 ) as the lowest mean. 4. Features of the senior nursing pupils with regard to the Hindrances in finishing Thesis On the Characteristics of the senior nursing pupils with regard to the Hindrances in finishing Thesis. the highest mean of 3. 06 was recorded on Curriculum factors ; followed by 2. 2645 on the Student Factors ; followed by 1. 90 on research advisor factors and lowest mean of 1. 88 in research teacher factors. 5. Features of the senior nursing pupils with regard to the Perceived Problems in Organizing and composing thesis On the Characteristics of the senior nursing pupils with regard to the Perceived Problems in Organizing and composing thesis. the highest mean of 2. 93 was recorded in composing a thesis and 2. 911 in forming thesis 6. Significant relationship between the jobs encountered by the senior nursing pupils in doing a research thesis in footings of the followers: 7. 1 Profile variables The profile variables are non significantly related to the jobs encountered both in forming and composing thesis. This means that the jobs encountered by female and male pupils have no difference. Academic categorization of pupils is non besides significantly related to jobs encountered. 7. 2 Attitude and profile variables The attitude of the respondents is non significantly related to either gender or academic categorization significance that the attitude of the male and female could be either positive or negative. The type of attitude toward finishing thesis is besides independent from the academic categorization of the pupils. All the above mentioned factors are independent to each other. 7. Hindrances Encountered and the profile variables The hinderances encountered are non significantly related to the gender and academic categorization. The hinderances identified are independent of gender and academic categorization intending the same hinderances are being experienced by either male or female. deans lister. bookman or non. Decisions 1. Gender of the respondents More than half of the population consisted of female. This may be so because Nursing is a female dominated class based from the registration informations of SMU. ( Dean’s Office List of Enrollees ) 2. Academic Categorization of the Respondents Bachelor of Science in Nursing is board class and mandated by CHED. Its course of study is closely evaluated in order to keep its high criterions. To be a bookman in this field is non easy. Students will undergo strict preparations in all facets even as early in the first twelvemonth. 3. Attitude towards Making Thesis Majority of the respondent agreed in the declared sentiments and have a positive attitude towards doing a research thesis. However the statement Making a thesis is easy appeared to be in a disagreeable nature because so doing a thesis is non easy. 4. Hindrances in finishing thesis The respondents expressed highest understanding that course of study factors are the figure one hinderance encountered by the senior nursing pupils in doing a research thesis followed by the Student Factors. so research advisor factors so research teacher factors. 5. Perceived jobs in forming and composing thesis Forming thesis is a job to them in finishing their thesis. Writing their thesis seems besides a job encountered in finishing a thesis. 6. Significant relationship between attitude in finishing thesis as to gender and academic categorization The attitude of the male and female could be either positive or negative. The type of attitude toward finishing thesis is non affected by the academic categorization of the pupils. 7. Significant relationship between the hinderances encountered in finishing thesis as to gender and academic categorization. The hinderances identified are unaffected by gender and academic categorization intending the same hinderances are being experienced by either male or female. deans lister. bookman or non. This shows that whatever gender. with high or low academic standing. experienced the same jobs or hinderances in carry oning a research. Recommendations The most common factor that affects the respondents in finishing their thesis is the course of study. They find the offering of topics overlapping and in struggle with other major topics ensuing to confusion as to what to prioritise. The research workers recommend that reappraisal of the sequence of topics offered should be done by the implementers. Consultation with the pupils should besides be done since they are considered as the first and first receiver to whatever alterations the school implements. Curriculum can non be changed since it is mandated by CHED Memo but its sequence of offering can be changed harmonizing to the demands and benefit of the most of import stakeholders of any establishment. the STUDENTS. Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Rationale. Polit and Beck ( 2008 ) defined research as a systematic enquiry that uses disciplined methods to reply inquiries or work out jobs. The ultimate end of research is to develop. refine and spread out a organic structure of cognition. Intelligent nurse can travel into research because nurses have been trained to be crisp perceivers. But harmonizing to Hochbaun ( 1967 ) ( as cited in the survey of Felipe. M. et. Al ( 2010 ) on their survey entitled Barriers in Conducting Nursing Research Among Senior Nursing students ) observation is non plenty. Research workers must besides be trained in planing surveies. transporting out whatever technique is most appropriate. analysing informations. and describing the findings. Judgment and determinations must be made by the research workers and subsequently by those who are in the place to use findings in the work state of affairs. Research workers are non born ; they learn the development of accomplishments. The Nursing batch of 2011-2012 is the first batch under the new course of study of CHED memoranda order no. 14. CHED memoranda order no. 14 series of 2009 besides known as CMO 14. It is concerned with the policies and criterions for Bachelor of Science in Nursing ( BSN ) Program. It emphasizes the Bachelor Science in Nursing ( BSN ) course of study as a competency-based and community-oriented course of study in the Philippines. In this course of study. many topics are taken by the pupils in progress like Nursing Research 1 and 2. Comparing to the old course of study. these topics are taken in the first and 2nd semester during 4th twelvemonth. While in the CMO 14 article V subdivision 9. Nursing Research 1 is taken during 2nd semester during 3rd twelvemonth and nursing research 2 in the first semester during 4th twelvemonth. In this instance pupils under this course of study happen it difficult to adopt/cope up with the criterions of this course of study. Another ground is. Nursing Research 1 is being taken together with the 2 major topics. the NCM 104 and NCM 105 during 3rd twelvemonth 2nd semester and NCM 106 and NCM 107 with Nursing Research 2 during first semester 4th twelvemonth. Budgeting clip and taking capable to be prioritized is hard since this topic needs adequate and equal clip. The intent of this survey is to cognize the jobs encountered by the senior nursing pupils in finishing a thesis end product under the new nursing course of study. The literature about the many challenges. jobs. troubles and other factors that arise in composing a thesis are discussed as follows ; Harmonizing to Andre DeHon as cited in his article How to be a Winner: Advice for pupils get downing into thesis work. The biggest challenge they face at the oncoming of any new undertaking is that there is a immense sum of material they need to cognize to undertake their job decently. While this phenomenon is true in the little for the beginning research worker. it is besides true in the big for any thesis undertaking. So larning how to get by with this challenge for them is an of import accomplishment for them to get the hang to go a good research worker. In contrast with. barricading their action and advancement while waiting for complete cognition is the route to failure. In an article written by Ethridge ( 2008 ) he enumerated several stairss on how to go a skilled research worker. First is the pupils should hold a basic cognition and background about the capable affair. They must besides hold the desire to larn more and be willing to give a batch clip and attempt to get at a consequence that is deserving describing to others. But before the existent behavior of the survey. pupils must hold to put their initial programs. Research workers should expect that the full behavior of the survey would be really clip devouring so they should cognize the length of clip and sum of attempt they would give. Using the long position. 1s inner thirst for more cognition and finding to win will be grounded in the focussed. antecedently planned and logical way of research. whilst moving as a springboard. from which to research the way to end-vision. Practical strengths will besides come into drama. such as attending to detail. ability to garner and order information systematically. finding to defy the defeats of clip consuming and repetitive work. survey and wok processing accomplishments and eventually. the ability to utilize both sides of the encephalon to hammer links. will bring forth first-class consequences. Ofoegbu. F. I. ( 2004 ) the survey addressed the issue of teacher motive as an indispensable factor for schoolroom effectivity and school betterment. Teacher motive has to make with teacher’s desire to take part in the instruction procedure. Teacher motive could be referred to as those factors that operate within the school which if non made available to the instructor could halter public presentation. and causes emphasis all of which would later cut down schoolroom effectivity and pupil quality end product. This implies that teacher motive includes factors that cause. channel sustain and influence teacher’s behaviour towards high direction and academic accomplishment criterions in school. Therefore instructors need appropriate aid to raise present committedness to work. No affair how energetic. enthusiastic and committed a instructor might be. his attempt and degree of public presentation might non bring forth the needed consequences in pupil. Professor Gary Parks ( 2009 ) presented in his book Common Obstacles in Writing Research Paper that there are many challenges that arise in composing thesis documents. Looking for information precisely on subject ( and nil else ) . a paper without an border. a source-driven paper and non taking the clip to complete the paper seem to be the most common jobs experienced by pupils in on-line English 102. He besides said that many pupils encounter jobs forming and composing the thesis paper because they fail to research the general subject before they decide on a thesis statement ; they fail to supply an appropriate thesis statement ; they fail to supply a connexion between the thesis statement and all of the subject sentences in the paper ; they fail to back up the paper with equal information that is relevant merely to the subject of the paper ; or they fail to right mention their beginnings. Many pupils encounter jobs with the thesis paper because they do non to the full reexamine all of the information available. As a consequence. the pupil may take a subject that is excessively general or excessively specific for the figure of pages that required. Of all the errors that pupils make when composing a thesis paper. decently mentioning beginnings within the texts is a major 1. When a paper is falsely cited or fails to give recognition wholly to the individual whose thoughts they borrowed. the pupil has committed plagiarism. Furthermore. he enumerated some obstructions pupils met in thesis devising and this are as follows: they had tough clip to understand the talks. they might hold missed the talks due to occupation. any societal activity or unwellness. they don’t have adequate clip to believing about the thesis subject due to occupation. the instructors are non helpful plenty. they may hold trouble to analyse the thesis paper subject and deficiency techniques to take thesis paper subject. their friends can’t aid you since they are already busy making their ain thesis. they have the thought but can’t put it in words. they can make it but afraid that it might be disapproved. Salve Regina University ( 2009 ) cited in her survey entitled Factors that can lend to academic difficulty some of the general grounds why many pupils experience academic jobs. The factors were the motive and intent. trouble seting to college life. survey accomplishments and personal issues. Academic trouble can stem from the events outside the academic sphere or outside collegial life. Student might hold been covering with an issue for a period of clip. or an expectedly face with something that challenges their academic public presentation. Torke. Abraham and Upadhya. ( 2007 ) stated that equal direction will besides advance student’s engagement and better student’s public presentation. Gravetter and Forzano ( 2009 ) theorized that get downing pupils make many errors in seeking to happen a thesis subject. They mention these errors in the hope that we will either avoid them wholly. or acknowledge when we are doing one and rapidly switch cogwheels. They besides mention that one really common error is taking a subject that is non of the researcher’s involvement. Unless you are slightly interested in the subject you pick. you will happen this undertaking highly arduous. As a consequence. you are likely to lose motive. and your thesis undertaking will no uncertainty reflect this. they added. Another error is picking a subject that is excessively safe or excessively easy. trusting to salvage clip and attempt. This common error neglects the intent of planning and carry oning a thesis which is to larn something while reading and understanding. Harmonizing to McAshan. H. H. ( 1963 ) one of the first mistakes which may look ( and frequently does ) in scientific survey is the deficiency of a clear definition of the job accompanied by limpid statement of some testable hypothesis. Graves. ( 1983 ) Grossman et. Al. added that Teachers need to compose in order to go effectual composing instructors. The thesis takes up everything. Harmonizing to Danish Student Counseling Service the pupil sets aside friends. girl-/boyfriend. work. and extracurricular activities to pass all his/her clip on composing the thesis. Life is set aside for the interest of the assignment. but there is no energy for it. The full twenty-four hours is being set off to working on it. but there is no separation between working hours and leisure clip. Nlison A ; Stomberg ( 2008 ) found that the extrinsic incentives such as instructors in engagement. organisation of the plan. contents in the surveies associated to the profession. life state of affairs and friendly relationship during the surveies were more normally used as account to the pupil motive tonss than with intrinsic factors such as attitude to the survey and survey consequence proposing that these are actuating factors that influenced acquisition. Finding of the survey besides reveal that there are gender differences in over all motive mark with females hiting that male pupils. Jacobson ( as cited in Nlison A ; Stomberg. 2008 ) confirm that when he found that female pupils had higher intrinsic motive than male and that female pupils exert themselves more every bit good as holding a more thought-out scheme for surveies. Garner E. ( 1996 ) barriers to great communicating include gender as a barrier in research. wherein he emphasized the distinguishable differences between the address patterns in a adult male and a adult female that may besides give a important impact or consequence on carry oning an on-going research survey. A adult male negotiations in a additive. logical and compartmentalised manner. characteristics of left- encephalon thought whereas a adult female talks more freely blending logic and emotion. characteristics o both sides of the encephalon. Self efficaciousness and Learning schemes have been found to be associated with academic public presentation ( Pintrich A ; Degroot. 1990. Pintrich A ; Schrauben. 1992. Chye et Al. . 1997 as cited in Andrew A ; Vialle. n. vitamin D ) . Risemberg and Zimmerman as cited in Andrew A ; Vialle. n. 500 suggest that pupils who are high winners use more ego –regulated larning schemes than low winners ( 1992 ) although these schemes may change among pupils. ( Zimmerman A ; Martinez Pons 1990. Ablard A ; Lipschultz 1998. as cited in Andrew A ; Vialle. n. d. ) Knowing and understanding the grounds why pupils are holding trouble in finishing a quality thesis end product is a manner of placing schemes to better the teaching-learning procedure in the research topic. At the same clip to assist the pupils identify their ain scheme in confronting these jobs. Conceptual Framework The conceptual model of this survey revolved around the jobs encountered of the senior nursing pupils in finishing a thesis. With this job are the factors identified viz. the pupil factors. research teacher factors. research advisor factors. and curriculum factors. DEPENDENT VARIABLE Problems encountered by the senior nursing pupils in finishing their thesis end product * Student factors * Research Instructor factors * Research Adviser factors * Curriculum factors INDEPENDENT VARIABLE * Gender * Academic Classification Problems encountered by the senior nursing pupils in finishing their thesis end product in footings of ; * Organizing * Writing * Attitude towards doing a thesis Thesis end product Figure 1. Conceptual Framework. The illustration shows the thesis paradigm of this survey. The dependent variables are the jobs in finishing a thesis end product in footings of Student factors. Research Instructor factors. Research Adviser factors and Curriculum factors. The independent variable includes personal profile of respondent under which are ; Gender and Academic categorization. There are two separate boxes ; one box contains the attitudes towards doing a thesis and the other box contains jobs encountered in footings of forming and composing thesis. All of these factors lead to the development of a quality thesis end product. Statement of the Problem This survey is conducted to find the perceived jobs by the senior nursing pupils of Saint Mary’s University of Bayombong. Nueva Vizcaya in finishing thesis end product under the new nursing course of study. It aimed to find their jobs encountered in finishing a thesis end product. Specifically. this survey sought to reply the undermentioned inquiries: 1. What are the features of the senior nursing pupils with regard to the undermentioned variables ; a. Gender B. Academic Classification 2. What is the attitude of the pupils towards doing a thesis end product? 3. What are the hinderances in finishing thesis end product under the new nursing course of study? 4. What are the jobs encountered by the senior nursing pupils in finishing a thesis end product and ; a. Forming a thesis B. Writing a thesis 5. Is there a important relationship between the jobs encountered the senior nursing pupils in finishing their thesis end product under the new nursing course of study in footings of ; a. Gender B. Academic Classification 6. Is there a important relationship between attitude in finishing thesis and ; a. Gender B. Academic categorization 7. Is there a important relationship between the hinderances encountered in finishing thesis and ; a. Gender B. Academic categorization Statement of Hypothesis There is no important relationship between the jobs encountered the senior nursing pupils in finishing their thesis end product under the new nursing course of study in footings of ; a. Gender B. Academic Classification Significance of the Study A survey on different jobs encountered in finishing a thesis end product is so of import for it served as an opener to pupils on how to confront these challenges in finishing their thesis. Therefore. this can estimate the consciousness of the pupil research workers in assailing or confronting these jobs. Similarly findings will give benefits to the followers: Nursing Students This survey is intentionally conducted specifically for the nursing pupils enrolled in 4th twelvemonth. Results or this survey will assist them derive more cognition on how to assail jobs that are being encountered in finishing thesis and be able to make a good and successful thesis end products. Future Researchers Enormous immature heads who wish to venture of related constructs in their thesis may acquire advantage on the consequences of this survey. They can do of the consequences as future mention but can antagonize information herewith if the instance may convey. Research Instructors and Advisers This will function as a footing in explicating new attack in heightening the teaching-learning procedure in research categories here at Saint Mary’s University. The consequence of this survey will give the teachers some penetrations. This will do teachers be more cognizant in cognizing why nursing pupils can non do a good thesis end products on clip. By cognizing these. they would be able find their failings as an teacher and to device an effectual instruction scheme for better acquisition. Scope and Delimitations of the Study This survey covered respondent’s demographic profile harmonizing to gender. academic categorization and attitude towards doing a thesis. Hence. it besides covers respondent’s different jobs encountered. This survey is for the pupils who are enrolled in nursing research because they are still on the procedure of larning the ways and schemes in finishing a thesis end product ; therefore they can be able to place the jobs they are confronting while doing their thesis. The survey is limited to the analysis of informations gathered from the respondents who were chosen by the research workers via graded random trying. Relevant paperss. articles and write-up sing the survey were included in the analysis every bit good. Answers to the inquiries about the jobs encountered by the senior nursing pupil in finishing their thesis are based on the respondent’s perceptual experience merely. Definition of Footings The followers footings are defined harmonizing to the context of the survey and how these footings were utilized. Academic Classification is defined as the categorization of pupils whether they are dean’s litres. half/tuition bookmans. working bookmans or non bookmans. Attitude towards doing a thesis refers to the students’ natural disposition in doing a thesis Completing thesis procedure of carry throughing and roll uping all parts of a thesis end product Curriculum factors refers to the elements of a class of academic survey in nursing that contributes causally towards doing a thesis Gender refers to the sexual individuality. particularly in relation to society or civilization. whether they are male or female. New course of study refers to the CHED memoranda order figure 14 series of 2009 Forming thesis refers to the structuring and ordination of constructs and thoughts necessary in doing a thesis. Problems Encountered refers to the hinderances and troubles confronted by the pupils in doing a thesis. Research Adviser factors this pertains to the cases representing the adviser that contributes to the sensed troubles of the pupils in doing a thesis. Research Instructor factors pertains to the cases representing the professor that contributes to the sensed troubles in doing a thesis but is limited to his/her personality as a whole. Respondent’s Demographic Profile is information about the individual or single. Student Factors refers to the factors intrinsic to every single pupil Student Problems refer to any troubles or inquiries that raise conditions to be resolve by both the research workers and the respondents. Teacher Factors are conducive facets. relationship and limited to teacher personality as a whole. Thesis end product is a papers submitted in support of campaigning for an academic grade or professional making showing the author’s research and findings. Writing thesis refers to the procedure of bring forthing and doing a thesis. CHAPTER II RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design In this survey the descriptive correlational method is used in finding the relationship of the jobs encountered by the senior nursing pupils in finishing their thesis end product under the new nursing course of study. It is descriptive because it presented the profile and features of the respondents harmonizing to gender. academic categorization and attitude towards doing a thesis. Locale of the Study The survey was conducted at Saint Mary’s University. one of the top acting establishments nationally. The mark populations of the survey are pupils of the School of Health Sciences specifically the 4th twelvemonth pupils under the new nursing course of study or the CHED memoranda Order No. 14 ( CMO 14 ) who are enrolled in Nursing Research 2. The survey was conducted in the said country for easy handiness of respondents. Research Environment The survey made usage of paperss from primary and secondary beginnings of informations. The profile of BSN senior pupils which consist of the gender. academic categorization and attitude towards doing a thesis and their rating to the identified jobs encountered by the senior nursing pupils in finishing their thesis end product under the new nursing course of study were obtained from the questionnaires that were distributed to the respondents. The information gathered were used as footing in finding the jobs encountered senior nursing pupils Saint Mary’s University in finishing a thesis end product under the new nursing course of study which can later aid and steer the pupils and teachers finding ways solve the causes of these jobs. Population and Sample The respondents belong to the population of senior nursing pupils enrolled in the school twelvemonth 2011-2012 who spent their baccalaureate old ages under nursing plan of Saint Mary’s University. To find the Numberss of sample. the research workers coordinated with the office of the University Registrar for requisition of equipped transcript of the list of mark population. The population consists of 211 pupils. by utilizing the Slovin’s expression and following the trying mistake of 5 % ( 0. 05 ) sample size is computed as follows ; Determination of Sample Size Slovin’s Formula n = N/ ( 1 + Ne2 ) n = 211/ ( 1+211?0. 052 ) n= figure of samplesn = 211/ ( 1+ 211?0. 0025 ) N= sum of populationn = 211/ ( 1+ . 5275 ) e= border of mistake n = 211/ 1. 5275n = 138. 13 or 138 Research Instruments. The research workers utilized researcher-developed Questionnaire checklist. Questionnaire were developed by the research workers based on the jobs identified by the Senior Nursing Students during the on the topographic point interview and focus group discussion with them. and some were adopted from a old survey entitled ; Barriers in carry oning nursing research among senior nursing pupils by Felipe. M. et Al. . The finished and developed questionnaire was checked and evaluated by the research advisor. research teacher and research coordinator to guarantee dependability and cogency of the questionnaire. Flying the questionnaire to selected and dependable persons was besides done to guarantee its cogency. The questionnaire has two parts ; the first portion is the respondent’s personal profile such as Gender. Academic categorization. and attitude towards doing a thesis. The 2nd portion is composed of 65 inquiries. 8 inquiries was to measure the attitude of the respondent towards doing a thesis 7 inquiries are based on pupil factors. 9 are on research teacher factors. 7 on research advisor factors. 8 inquiries on course of study factors. 9 inquiries which are based on jobs on forming and 17 inquiries on the jobs on composing thesis. These sets of inquiries addressed the jobs encountered in finishing thesis end product. Table 2. 1 Distribution of points Content Item Number Student factors Attitude towards doing a thesis1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 Student Factors 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 Research teacher factors 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24 Research Adviser factors 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Curriculum factors32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39 Problems on: Forming a thesis 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48 Writing a thesis49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65 Transcript of the questionnaire was personally distributed and floated by the research workers to the respondents who were chosen using graded random trying at different times. The informations were organized. tabulated. interpreted and presented in their textual or tabular method. Data Gathering Procedure. Prior to the behavior of the survey. the research workers devised a questionnaire to garner qualitative informations that pertains to the jobs encountered by the senior nursing pupils in finishing their thesis end product under the new nursing course of study. The questionnaire was presented and carefully scrutinized by experts composed of research teacher. research advisor and research coordinator for content cogency to derive blessing for its use in the survey. When the cogency and dependability of the questionnaire was established. it was ready for drifting. Therefore permission to drift the questionnaire was asked from the Dean of the School of Health Sciences. With all the information gathered from the Dean of the School of Health Sciences Department sing the entire figure of enrollees of the senior nursing pupils enrolled in nursing research 2 and upon having the positive response. the questionnaire was reproduced harmonizing to the figure of respondents. The questionnaire was validated and distributed to randomly selected respondents. A missive was attached to the questionnaire saying a brief background of the survey. Retrieval of Questionnaires Development of Questionnaire. Floating of Questionnaires Approval and Validation of Questionnaires Permission to Float Questionnaires Reproduction of Questionnaires Figure 2. 2 Flow Chart Treatment of Data and Stat

Monday, November 4, 2019

Sabmiller Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Sabmiller - Case Study Example From the above tabular form, it is apparent that more than pursuing organic growth, SAB Miller has concentrated on consolidation and expansion; the latter achieved through acquisitions and strategic alliances. Porter's five forces model helps in analysing the forces or aspects that influence an industry. This analysis, however, is relevant for a particular industry and not in assessing the performance at the company level. This model thus helps in studying the effects of the external factors that drive a company's performance and output in terms of the other elements operating in the same industry. The five forces constituting the model - competitive rivalry, threat of new entry, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers and threat of substitutes. All these forces ultimately affect the profitability of the company. However, these forces that affect the profitability of a company make up the business environment of any organization and are beyond the sphere of influence of the company's control. So, it is important for the company to develop and adopt tactics to combat these competitive forces and keep a tab on them to foresee the upcoming trends and accordingly brace thems elves with suitable strategies. Following are the forces described individually. (Ehmke C. et al, September 2004) Competitive Rivalry- The main competitor of SAB Miller was Anheuser-Busch.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Film journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Film journal - Essay Example After a period Miranda begins to feel a degree of unfairness in her life; as a response she begins to act in distorted ways. She drinks whiskey and instigates a major argument with Jessica. Finally, Miranda receives a call about being hired for a job. Still, she can’t restore her broken relationship with Jessica. Working as a director of photography: My role in this film was as director of photography (DOP). Going into the project I was aware that the director of photography, or the cinematographer, is largely responsible for the artistic photography within the film. Meaning ‘writing with motion’, â€Å"...cinematography is more than the mere act of photography. It is the process of taking ideas, actions, emotional subtext, tone and all other forms of non-verbal communication and rendering them in visual terms† (Brown, 2002, p. ix). Within this context of understanding, much can be learned from the theories and practices employed by seminal directors of pho tography. One such consideration is the techniques used by cinematographers in the black and white era. Studio lighting from this era has oftentimes been implemented to create an authentic or naturalistic effect in contemporary cinematic production. In my own research I thoroughly explored texts on lighting, as well as participated in observational examination of the work of specific cinematographers. In interrogating cinematography in this specific work I analyzed mood, and the characters and subtext that the director wanted to create. The director indicated that he wanted to create a naturalistic atmosphere. Ultimately, we decided to use lighting as a means of storytelling and explicating internal character emotional states. After an extensive conversation with the director, we established that the primary function of the lighting should be as a means of indicating the main character’s dramatic changes. As Miranda struggles to find a job and her relationship with her daught er deteriorates the film lighting progressively grows darker. The narrative occurs over a period of four days; we recognized that the days should demonstrate differences in lighting, with the second and third progressively darker, but the bright forth day of hope. This style of lighting was established in the first scene and foreshadowed later narrative developments. The first scene consists of three shots. In the first show, Miranda is shown by the window; in the second shot she is a degree farther away from the window; in the third shot she is even father away. The intention was to make her face bright in the first shot as she is close to the window, so the light on her face was over-exposed. In the second shot, as she moves away from window, which was a source of light, the light on her face get darker. Finally, in the third shot, as she is sitting alone behind the table and her face is a bit dark, I made the light on her face under-exposed. Another prominent consideration was da ytime lighting. The director and I agreed to use soft light for the daytime, as it can be used as overcast weather. Notably, the director didn’t want to use any practical lighting during the day. I also decided to use soft and strong ambient lighting for the whole room. As a means of implementing this approach I divided the natural lighting coming from the window, as well as the artificial light that was pretending to come from the window. In